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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whirlwind and Emberstorm Battlegroups are Boulderfisted

They went down over an hour ago, and Blizzard says the ETA is 7:30 PM Eastern, so 6:30 server (Moon Guard) time, if I have my regions correct. 

Tuesday, I managed to get Rotface's Acidic Blood for my Shadow's Edge. I also won the Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers, which is, I believe, our first drop for those. Interestingly enough, I got rather lucky with the win, because the other two people who rolled were also absent for a day or two when I was. In any case, they are a big upgrade to the Grinning Skull Boots from the chest in Heroic Halls of Reflection. When comparing the two, I recieve:

35 Stamina
27 Strength
186 Armor
20 Armor Pen (1.43%)
16 Crit (0.35%)
2 Sockets

And in those two sockets, I gemmed +20 strength each, and finished them off with Icewalker, putting me back at just over the 8% hit cap I need as a DPS warrior before talents and heroic presence. The Stompers are the best plate DPS boots in the game currently, and I wish every warrior good luck with getting them. They are almost too good for their ilevel. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they got nerfed. Really.

We finally downed Festergut this go around, and have only Professor Putricide left before trying the Crimson Halls. Hopefully the servers will be up for tonight for the raid, but if not, that's okay too.


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