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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WTF Lycannon?

Yeah, I know. I don't forget to update so much as I get caught up doing other things. I'm a terrible person.

I could talk about the changes they're thinking about for warriors. I could rage about how rage normalization is scary, but I wasn't around when it was (if that tells you anything about how long I've been playing this game). I could talk about rend dancing, and how it actually gives you a DPS increase if you know how to use it. Don't worry newbies, that's not for you.

Instead of all the technical stuff, I'm actually going to talk about why I even like playing, and role playing, a warrior. What's so special about them? They don't use magic to defeat their foes. No shiny lasers or sparkles to heal people with. Warriors are nasty, gritty juggernauts. Some are more disciplined and refined in their practice, while others are mindless, berserking killing machines who tear through whatever, however. They are the most basic of fighters, and if you can pick up a weapon, you can be one too.

Warriors don't need to skulk around in the shadows to kill their foes. They are up front and in your face. Killing seems to come natural for them, and being covered in blood and gristle at the end of the day comes with the job. They aren't always noble, but they always seem to have a reason to fight and kill. (Even the berserkers). 

I've always liked the warrior class, no matter what game I was playing. Standing far away and shooting stuff at my enemy never appealed to me. I guess I could blame my mom for that. She's always had a thing for mythology, especially Greek mythology. Her favorite goddess is Athena (or Minerva, for you Roman lovers). Now, if you know anything about her, she's the goddess of war, wisdom, and heroic deeds. I knew this ever since I could remember, and I grew up with that. It's not surprising that I too like the idea of a female heroine who isn't afraid to get mean.

Enter: Lycannon. She's not a new character. In fact, I created her a long time ago for a forum based Sci-Fi RP. For this, though, we'll use her draenei incarnation. She used to throw sparkles at people (Paladin), then terrible things happened (Battle of Shattrath) and she turned into a vengeful, dangerous bitch (Fury Warrior). She's mentally unstable with a deadly lust for blood and battle. When she's fighting, she teeters on the edge of completely losing all self control and killing everything in sight, be it friend or foe. She's a good person (really), she just has a huge chip on her shoulder. Really huge. Like, sun huge.

Of course, I've developed this character since that original idea. One day, her friend invited her to go on a mission under the lead of a particular Corporal McSars. This old man was a grizzled war veteran who didn't give a damn about anyone. Lycannon eye rolled and wanted to show him up. In the end, they impressed each other. Throw in some playful jibes, flirting, lust, and general relationship progression, and you have two angry warriors who love each other very much. Awww.

Since then, I've gotten better at playing the warrior class, and better at what I wanted Lyc to be as a character. With the end of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion on the horizon, I figured that the release of Cataclysm would be the perfect opportunity to 'fix' all that I felt was wrong with Lycannon, both RP and game play wise. I never liked Titan's Grip, and I think that I've let her be psycho long enough.

So, she's dead. I'm not sure I'll bring her back. I may continue playing the character, but I may not role play her. I could also be saying this to bullshit you. Maybe. I dunno.

TL;DR version: I love warriors. I love role play. I love role playing warriors. So should you.